Juno Beach order of battle

This is the Juno Beach order of battle on D-Day.

Canadian Army

Divisional Troops
7th Canadian Infantry Brigade Group – Mike Green / Mike Red and Nan Green Beaches
8th Canadian Infantry Brigade Group – Nan White and Nan Red Beaches
9th Canadian Infantry Brigade – Landing through 8th CIB on Nan Beaches
Supporting corps divisional units integrated in Mike Sector and Nan Sector
British forces on Juno beach included units from Second Army and Combined Operations Headquarters
102 Beach Sub-Area
Force J was commanded by the British, and the flagship vessel came from the Royal Navy. Among the chief vessels in this combined British and Canadian Force were
The force also included 109 Royal Canadian Navy vessels, among them:
Landing craft from both the RN and RCN were employed in Force J, the total number were:
Standing against the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, units of, 716.Infanterie-Division – Wehrmacht Heer Coastal Defence, had little tactical mobility and its personnel, in general, belonged to the lowest category of conscript, coming from older age groups or from the Landsturm: Military District 6. While the division in Normandy with the fewest personnel; fronting the JUNO Sector, its density of troops was a little stronger than elsewhere. The division had no combat experience before D-Day, and on 1 May 1944 it only had 7,771 personnel of all ranks.
The 716. Infanterie-Division consisted of:
Panzer-Division 21., belonging to XXXXVII Pz.Gr.West, was allocated to AOK.7 as its reserve. Pz.Div.21 was reconstituted on 15 July 1943, in the reorganization of schnellen Brigade West. Pz.Div.21 was absent from Normandy from March 1944, for Operation Maragretha, in Hungary, until May 1944, when it was reassigned to Brittany, and then moved up into Normandy. On 6 June 1944, Panzer-Division 21., on its initiative, adopted a 'new' organization for battle, as Regimental Groups were formed, PzKGr.Oppeln - Pz.Regt.22., and KGr.Luck - Pz.Gren-Regt 125., they regrouping an infantry battalion for a tank battalion, and KGr.Rauch - Pz.Gren-Regt192., was formed, given Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 155., assigned a battalion to each Kampfgruppe. The Canadians, coming South, from Juno Beach, did not experience a direct impact from either PzKGr.Oppeln or KGr.Luck and only felt a slight impact, in their area of influence, from the counter-move undertaken by KGr.Rauch, on 6 June.