Just Fred

Just Fred is an album by Fred Schneider, released in 1996. It was the second of his two solo albums. The album was recorded in two weeks.

Track listing

All lyrics by Fred Schneider, music written as noted, except "Coconut" which is written by Harry Nilsson
  1. "Whip"
  2. "Helicopter"
  3. "Sugar in My Hog" †
  4. "Bulldozer"
  5. "Coconut"
  6. "Center of the Universe"
  7. "Radioactive Lady Eyeball"
  8. "Lick" †
  9. "Bad Dream" ††
  10. "Secret Sharer" †
  11. "Stroke of Genius" ††
† = performed by Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet
†† = performed by Six Finger Satellite
All others performed by Deadly Cupcake
