Justin Girod-Chantrans

Justin Girod-Chantrans was a French naturalist known for his pioneering research in the field of phycology.
Following studies with the Jesuits, he entered the Ecole du Génie militaire in 1768. Several years later, he attained the title of captain, subsequently serving at different military posts until 1791. Around 1786, he developed an interest in natural history.
In 1799 he founded the Société d'agriculture, commerce et arts in Besançon. He then became involved in politics, being elected to the legislature in 1802. Beginning in 1810, he devoted all his time and energy to natural sciences.
He described a number of phycological species: Haematococcus lacustris, Volvox lacustris and Conferva mammiformis being a few examples.

Principal works