Károly Kós

Károly Kós was a Hungarian architect, writer, illustrator, ethnologist and politician of Austria-Hungary and Romania.


Born as Károly Kosch in Temesvár, Austria-Hungary, he studied engineering at the University of Budapest, and only afterwards turned towards architecture. Already during his studies and at the start of his career, he had a special interest for the historical and traditional folk architecture, and made study trips to Kalotaszeg and the Székely Land.
In 1909, his project for the Roman Catholic church in Zebegény, in 1909 the Óbuda Reformed parochial building, and in 1910 the Budapest Zoo complex, were carried out. During the 1910s, he completed the Reformed Rooster Church in Kolozsvár and the hospital in Sepsiszentgyörgy. At the time, his style was influenced by the Vienna Secession and Art Nouveau.
In 1914, at the start of World War I, Kós moved to Sztána. He was drafted the following year, but soon discharged on request from the Ministry of Culture. Between 1917 and 1918, he was sent on a study trip to Istanbul. In 1918, Kós was asked to be a professor of the College for Applied Arts of Budapest, but he declined, wishing to return to Transylvania.
He lived off commissions and started a political career, choosing, unlike many in the Hungarian community, to accept the Romanian Kingdom's administration in the region as a given, while engaging in active opposition inside its legal framework. Alongside Lajos Albrecht and others, he was one of the founders of the Transylvanian People's Party in 1921 — the group later formed the Magyar Party. Kós also edited its illustrated political journal Vasárnap.
In 1924, he and several of his friends founded a publishing house under the name Erdélyi Szépmíves Céh. From 1931, he was editor of the Erdélyi Helikon, and manager of the Miklós Barabás Guild.
In 1944 his house in Sztána was plundered, and he fled to Kolozsvár, where he rejoined his family. He was director of the Transylvanian Hungarian Economic Association. As a politician, he was the president of the Hungarian People's Union, and afterwards member of the Assembly of Deputies.
Kós taught at the College for Agriculture in Cluj until 1953, filling the post of the dean in 1945, and contributed to the journal Világosság between 1948–49. He died in Cluj.

Buildings designed