Kåre Kivijärvi

Kåre Kivijärvi was a Norwegian photographer known for his photojournalistic work in Northern Norway.
Kivijärvi was born into a Kven family and always professed a connection to his ethnic heritage and to Finland. After working as a photographer's apprentice in Finnmark Dagblad, he was in 1959 accepted at Folkwangschule für Gestaltung in Essen, Germany, where he studied with Otto Steinert. After having served in the Royal Norwegian Air Force as an aerial photographer, he accepted a position as staff photographer for Helsingin Sanomats weekly newsmagazine Viikkosanomat, which brought him on assignment to Greenland, the Soviet Union, Afghanistan, India, and Nepal.
Kivijärvi's work was the first to be accepted by the main annual art exhibition in Norway, the Autumn Exhibition. In this respect it can be said that he contributed to establish photography as a distinct art form in Norway.
Kivijärvi's photographic style is noted for its stark, sparse imagery. His photo essay on Laestadians in Northern Norway in 1962 is a noted example of this style, as are his depiction of desolate landscapes and harsh climates.