
K-Commando is a special unit of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board, created in the 1991. It is a special unit of the Estonian police force similar in function to the SWAT teams in the U.S., and is responsible for such issues as managing hostage situations, riot management, high-risk raids and close-protection. The unit was founded under the name Police Reserve Special Unit by Henn Kask. The unit got its current name in 1993 after the group's commanding officer at that time, Lembit Kolk. They were trained by the FBI, GSG 9 and RAID.
K-Commando is known for its fearsome reputation and high level of professionalism. Recruitment involves rigorous testing and requires the approval of all current team members. Only when a consensus has been reached will the candidate be accepted into the unit. As in other special police units, applicants must have a long service record. The number of members is undisclosed, and there are no known casualties thus far. The unit operates under the command of the Central Crime Police.
