Kagulu of Buganda

Kagulu Ntambi Tebukywereke was Kabaka of the Kingdom of Buganda, between 1734 and 1736. He was the twentieth Kabaka of Buganda.

Claim to the throne

He was the eldest son of Kabaka Ndawula Nsobya, Kabaka of Buganda between 1724 and 1734. His mother was Naggujja of the Njovu clan, the second of his father's seven wives. He ascended to the throne upon the death of his father. He established his capital at Bulizo.

Married life

He married one wife, who bore him two sons.


Kabaka Kagulu Tebukywereke was deposed by his sister, Princess Ndege, the Nassolo. He fled to Buto. He was killed by drowning in Lake Nalubaale, on the orders of Nassolo. His body was retrieved and buried at Bbuga, Busiro.

Succession table