Kaguyahime (manga)

Kaguyahime is a manga series by Reiko Shimizu. This 27-volume series was serialized in LaLa from 1994 to 2005. The story is based on the Japanese legend of Kaguyahime .
In 2002, the series received the 47th annual Shogakukan Manga Award for shōjo. A Drama CD was released in 2003.


Based on The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, this manga takes place around the mysterious Kabuchi Island where children were raised in an orphanage as sacrificial victims. Some of the children manage to leave the island and think they have escaped their fates. But then they all start to die at age sixteen, in the order and at the time they were originally arranged to be sacrificed. The only way to stop the deaths is to return to the island, seek out the cause - Kaguya Hime - and destroy it.
The children later realize that they are clones of famous or influential humans, a fact which further complicates their quest to figure out their mysterious past and save their futures.


;Camp U.G.
;Kabuchi Island
;Moon Stone
;Moon Stone Mold
;Li Plutocracy
;Original Body


;Akira Okada
She was in love with Yui. But in the end, Yui died and she became Miller's wife and had a son with him. Years later when she was at death's door Yui came for her and took her back to the moon, meaning that she was a tennyo from the beginning.
;Yui Lindros
;Midori Matsuzawa
After that his original body met with an incident so the original body's useful body parts were transplanted to Midori instead and Midori became the first prince of Thailand. In the end it was revealed that he is Yui's equivalent to the "hagoromo" of the moon and when Midori died Yui lost his powers as a tennin as well. Midori then became one with Yui spiritually.
;Mayu Okada
;Brett Miller
;Satoshi Oda

Drama CD

The Drama CD was released on July 25, 2003. It was sold along with another CD containing illustrations in slide show format from the series.
