Kaiketsu Noutenki

Kaiketsu Noutenki, is a series of tokusatsu fan film parodies produced by Daicon Films. A parody of the 1977 Toei superhero show Kaiketsu Zubat, the title hero of this series has the same exact alter-ego, Ken Hayakawa, only he is comically fat fanboyish young man wearing the same exact gringo cowboy attire! As Noutenki, Ken Hayakawa is decked out in a pink & red jumpsuit, fixed navy blue galoshes, blue gloves, white hood and yellow crash helmet fixed with a diddlybopper. He rides a fixed scooter.
Ken Hayakawa/Noutenki is played by Yasuhiro Takeda, who also produced this series, and went on to produce many of Daicon/Gainax's projects.
"Noutenki" is the Japanese word for "scatterbrain".
Bloopers/Outtakes are shown during the closing credits of each episode.
