Kaipara Flats

Kaipara Flats is a locality in the Rodney District of New Zealand. Warkworth is 12 km to the east, Ahuroa to the south, and Tauhoa to the north-west. The North Auckland railway line passes through the area.
The economy is mostly sheep and cattle farming, with lifestyle blocks increasing in popularity. The Rodney Aero Club has an airfield nearby.
A bridle track was established to Glorit on the Kaipara Harbour in 1899, and part was improved to a dray road the following year. The North Auckland Line reached Kaipara Flats from Ahuroa in 1906.


Kaipara Flats School is a coeducational contributing primary school with a decile rating of 9 and a roll of 86. The school was established in 1878.