Kaizhou District

Kaizhou District, formerly known as Kai County, Kaixian or Kaihsien is a district under the jurisdiction of Chongqing Municipality, in southwestern China, bordering Sichuan province to the west. It has an area of 3,959 square km. As of the end of 2009, it had a population of 1.62 million. It is located 330 kilometers from the urban centre of Chongqing proper.


The county has a history dating back some 1800 years.
In 1373, during the Ming Dynasty, it adopted the name Kaizhou.
In the summer of 1907, there were disturbances in Kai County. Around that time, government schools, Roman Catholic premises and China Inland Mission property as well as the homes of many Chinese Christians in Kai County were successively looted and destroyed.
Li Ching-Yuen, known for his supposed extreme longevity, died in Kai County in 1933.
Unusual rain patterns and flooding in the Summer of 1982 led to land subsidence. It was reported in the September 6, 1982 edition of the Sichuan Daily that, "In the fourth Tuoxiang brigade, Hujia commune, Yuexi District, Kai County, more than 300 mu of land subsided; and 310 houses owned by a commune unit, a supply and marketing cooperative, 10 units and 16 commune households all subsided."
Until 2004 the county was one of the poorest in the municipality, home to some 10% of Chongqing municipality residents that lived in poverty. The government has attempted to remedy this in recent years.
In the March 27, 2015 edition of Beijing Today, Kai County was noted as "the nation's largest exporter of migrant labor. There were 535,000 from that county in 2014, and 15 percent were older than 50. In Fengcun Village, half the villagers are migrant workers."

Administrative divisions

As of 2018, Kaizhou District administered seven subdistricts, twenty-six towns and seven townships.
NameChinese Hanyu PinyinPopulation Area
Zhendong SubdistrictZhèndōng Jiēdào18,81926.5
Fengle SubdistrictFēnglè Jiēdào19,85125
Baihe SubdistrictBáihè Jiēdào40,93779.2
Hanfeng SubdistrictHànfēng Jiēdào85,10752
Wenfeng SubdistrictWénfēng Jiēdào69,74723.9
Yunfeng SubdistrictYúnfēng Jiēdào41,67423.74
Zhaojia SubdistrictZhàojiā Jiēdào39,910152
Guojia townGuōjiā Zhèn31,39479
Wenquan townWēnquán Zhèn39,402149
Tieqiao townTiěqiáo Zhèn42,085115
Nanya townNányǎ Zhèn28,38270
Heqian townHéqiān Zhèn20,63280
Zhen'an townZhèn'ān Zhèn15,45256.67
Zhuxi townZhúxī Zhèn22,90084
Qukou townQúkǒu Zhèn14,43768
Houba townHòubà Zhèn17,35849
Gaoqiao townGāoqiáo Zhèn23,60878
Yihe townYìhé Zhèn26,31361
Dajin townDàjìn Zhèn32,213251
Changsha townChángshā Zhèn47,170136
Linjiang townLínjiāng Zhèn71,149123.2
Dunhao townDūnhǎo Zhèn36,863144
Zhonghe townZhōnghé Zhèn43,31889
Yuexi townYuèxī Zhèn47,802186
Nanmen townNánmén Zhèn40,941158
Heyan townHéyàn Zhèn19,589154
Jiulongshan townJiǔlóngshān Zhèn32,696135
Baiqiao townBáiqiáo Zhèn13,79684
Tianhe townTiānhé Zhèn14,81867
Jinfeng townJīnfēng Zhèn13,35557
Tanjia townTánjiā Zhèn15,261125
Wushan townWūshān Zhèn19,829117
Dade townDàdé Zhèn31,548118
Baiquan TownshipBáiquán Xiāng8,229196
Guanmian TownshipGuānmiàn Xiāng7,127146.5
Manyue TownshipMǎnyuè Xiāng10,057148.7
Wutong TownshipWǔtōng Xiāng10,05760.67
Maliu TownshipMáliǔ Xiāng17,45196
Zishui TownshipZǐshuǐ Xiāng20,39694
Sanhuikou TownshipSānhuìkǒu Xiāng13,19077.28