
In John Norman's Gor novels, a kajira is a female slave or slave girl.


The phrase "la kajira" is said to mean "I am a slave girl." in the Gorean language, the most widely spoken lingua franca in the known regions of the planet Gor. The word is usually seen in the feminine form "kajira", as most slaves in the Gorean lifestyle are female; the masculine forms are "kajirus" and "kajiri". The construction "kajiras" is incorrect, but is occasionally seen in third-party writing.


There exist various techniques in Gorean culture to teach Gorean slaves' corresponding conduct. Slave tasks may include not only sexual slavery, but also the ability to maintain a household, possess artistic skills, wear an appealing outfit and address the master in a certain manner.


To indicate a slave as a particular owner's property, a collar with the owner's name is placed upon the slave.
Gorean slave women are usually branded, which means they are marked with certain signs burned into the flesh on being enslaved. The most common is the kef brand: "about an inch and a half in height, and a half inch in width. A rather simple, delicate, graceful, almost floral mark, in cursive script. Appearing slender, more vertical, more like a stem with floral, cursive curled loops. A rather severe, straight line staff, with two, upturned, frondlike curls, adjacent to it, joined where they touch the staff on its right. It bears a distant, remote resemblance to the printed letter K."

Classifications of kajirae

Kajirae have a plethora of types of varying prestige depending on various characteristics, including the following:
;By virginity status:
;By origin:
;By employment:
Kajiri also exist on the planet Gor, but they are far fewer than kajirae, since Gorean men can only rarely be effectively "tamed", so that most male slaves are considered inherently slightly dangerous, and have little value other than as unskilled hard labor in work gangs which must often be kept under continual armed guard. Men conquered in war who are not left free are more often than not killed than enslaved, while women in the same situation are almost always enslaved.
A male slave kept by a woman owner for bedroom duties is a "silk slave". When a free woman makes use of a kajirus sexually, he is often chained so that he is unable to hold her in his arms — since allowing this would be considered to add a note of male domination to the lovemaking. Some free women carefully avoid kissing a kajirus when making sexual use of him, since they would consider it degrading to soil their lips by touching them to the body of a mere slave. Note that only a small minority of rich free women on Gor own silk slaves and it is often not very easy or convenient for a free woman to obtain the sexual use of a kajirus whom she does not personally own.
The phrase "lo kajirus" is said to mean "I am a slave boy." Silk slaves are generally despised by free men on Gor and their type of slavery is often considered to be rather unnatural. Kajiri do not usually wear locked collars; rather, they wear a band of iron.