Kalissaye Avifaunal Reserve

Kalissaye Avifaunal Reserve is a small nature reserve in Senegal, located at the mouth of Kalissaye Pond in the middle of the Casamance River.
Like Basse Casamance National Park 35 km away, KAR is currently closed due to the Casamance Conflict.


On the small sandy islands making up the reserve, vegetation consists mainly of Ipomoea pes-caprae, Sporobolus spicatus, and Alternanthera maritima.


The reserve was created in 1978 to protect sea turtle and seabird colonies.
There were more than 10,000 Caspian terns in the reserve during the 1980s, and there are also many royal terns and great white pelicans.
Several sea turtle species are quite populous, including loggerheads and green turtles.
The common dolphin and the African manatee are also observed in the area.