Kalli Kalde
Kalli Kalde is an Estonian painter, graphic artist and illustrator.
From 1982 to 1986 Kalli Kalde studied graphic design in Tartu Art School. In 1991 she graduated from Department of Drawing and Manual Training in Tallinn University.
Since 1988 she takes part in expositions.
Member of the Tartu Artists' Association since 1995 and member of the Association of Estonian Printmakers since 2013.Artworks
- 1998–99 Ceiling and wall paintings in Villa Ammende in Pärnu
- 2000 Ceiling paintings in Villa Salmela in Finland
- 2005 Illustrations for the book Two Suns by Jaan Kaplinski
- 2005 Ceiling and wall paintings for the Konuvere manor in Pärnumaa
- 2005,2006 Illustrations for the magazine Täheke
- 2006 Photos and layout for the book Silence into Colours by Jaan Kaplinski
- 2006 Illustrations for the book Northwind and Southwind by Jaan Kaplinski
- 2007 Illustrations for the book Evening is Appletree by Jaan Kaplinski
- 2008 Photos and layout for the book Another Side of Lake by Jaan Kaplinski
- 2009 Illustrations and layout for the book Bygoners by Jaan Kaplinski
- 2011 Illustrations for the book Fairytales of Love by Epp Petrone
- 2011 Illustrations for the book My Especial Child
2010: Tartu Cultural Endowment creative scholarship