Kamen Rider Super-1

Kamen Rider Super-1 is a Japanese tokusatsu superhero television series. It is the seventh installment in the Kamen Rider Series. The series was broadcast on the Mainichi Broadcasting System from October 17, 1980 to October 3, 1981. The series was a co-production between Toei and Ishinomori Productions, and was created by Shōtarō Ishinomori.


Kazuya Oki volunteers to undergo cybernetic surgery in the International Space Development Program in the United States in order to become an astronaut who can survive in outer space without the need for a bulky external suit. After a successful operation, he is given the codename "Super-1". Before he can depart for space, however, the base where he received his operation is attacked by the Dogma Kingdom. Only Kazuya is able to escape and determined to avenge the deaths of the scientists, he returns to Japan and is trained by a martial arts expert, Master Genkai. With this knowledge, he is able to transform into the powerful Kamen Rider Super-1 to fight the evil Dogma Kingdom and later Jin Dogma.

Cast and characters

The Dogma Kingdom is a secret extremist organization originating from Dark-Nebula B-26 who are seeking to kill Super-1 and rule the earth with their cyborgs, purging all those deemed unworthy of the utopia.
After the destruction of the Dogma Kingdom, the Jin Dogma organization appeared to take its place in terrorizing Japan.

''Kamen Rider Super-1: The Movie''

The film was released on March 14, 1981 and was produced by Tōru Hirayama.
The Dogma Kingdom attacks the Matagi village of Yamabiko to steal the sacred Flying Dragon Fortress and wreak havoc all over Japan. Six children from the fallen village take refuge in a nearby town, keeping their identities as Matagi citizens a secret. Kamen Rider Super-1 must protect these kids from the Dogma Kingdom, as they hold the secret to the Flying Dragon Fortress' weakness.
;Opening theme
;Ending themes
Super-1 aired in Indonesia in 1995 via RCTI. In this version, the opening and ending songs were changed into two other ones. First, Super One for the opening theme and Kuserahkan for the ending song.