
Kandaramanickam is a village in Sivaganga district, in the state of Tamil Nadu, India.


Kandaramanickam is located at. It is 18 kilometers away from Karaikudi and 8 km away from Thirupatthur. This Kandramanickam falls under Sivaganga District, in closer proximity to Madurai.
This Kandramanickam is often confused to be the original settlement of Brahacharanam Brahmins, who share a close affinity to the Sama Veda, Bharadwaja Gothra Iyengars. This often results as a result of two villages with similar names. A very strong reason to dispute the Kandramanickam of Sivaganga District for its links to Brahacharanam Brahmins is the fact of its geographic distance to the Nachiar Koil area, near which lies a very small, sleepy village called Kandramanicakm. It is more on the Kudavasal vicinity, as the Tamil Nadu Pincode listing for the village Kudavasal is under the Kudavasal Taluk of Thiruvaiyaru District. Thiruvaiyaru district lies closer to Kumbakonam and Thanjavur. See Also: Brahacharanam Going through the Brahacharanam link, it can be readily noted that the subgroups listed there mostly belong to villages and towns in and around Kudavasal Taluk, Thiruvaiyaru District.
The village Kandiramanickam lies 6 km east of Nachiyar Koil and is midway between Nachiyar koil and Marudancheri. The village has a Perumal temple, which is visited by a Bhattar only in the mornings. He travels from another town 10 km from Kandramanickam. Once a very densely populated village of Brahacharana Brahmins and Bharadwaja Gothra Iyengars, this town today is devoid of any Brahmins. Brahacharanam Brahmin settlements were all established during the Cola period in the heart of the Chola territory. The Kandiramanickam Brahacharanam was one of them probably in memory of Kandarathitha Chola.


Kandaramanickam is well connected by public transport from both Karaikudi and Thirupatthur. Both these places are well connected by road transport and Karaikudi is connected by rail as well.


There is a temple located in the centre of the village, Kandaramanickam, dedicated to Manickka Naachi Amman. An annual festival takes place in April, which includes Chariot procession, Palkudam & Manjuvirattu.
Sri Manickanachi amman was a Very Powerful Goddess and only the truth win in her vision and for Liable things The Goddess Punish very hardly.