Kangsi Coming was a Taiwanese variety-comedy talk show hosted by variety show veterans Dee Hsu and Kevin Tsai. It was produced by Chungta Production from 2004 to 2009, and currently produced by Gin Star Entertainment along with the writing and production staff of GUESS. It was first broadcast on 5 January 2004 and ended in 2016. In most episodes, the hosts interview a panel of celebrities in various and controversial topics while employing their signature comedic bantering. It is broadcast in Hong Kong on ATV Home under the name of Variety Show of Mr Con and Ms Csi. Although it is broadcast in Taiwan, the show is very successful and popular among Chinese speaking audiences across the world who watch uploaded re-runs over the internet or through bootleg DVDs. The show has been mentioned in other Taiwanese variety and talk shows, mainly from presenters who appeared on the show. Since its debut in 2004, it has been one of the most successful talk shows in Taiwan and in Mandarin speaking countries across Asia.
Unlike most Chinese language talk shows, the format of Kangsi is fast-paced, humorous and fully self-aware, despite topics that are occasionally controversial, and taped in a small studio. Most episodes feature a group of entertainers and politicians as guest stars engaging into discussions ranging from their career to gossip and current events. Along with its variety show approach, Kangsi frequently accompanies itself with cartoon sound effects, comical use of editing and wacky animated texts and visuals.
This program was originally called "Qi Guai Shi Dian Zhong". And later changed to "Kāngxī Lái Le". The word "Kangxi" was derived from the names of both hosts; "康" was taken from the Chinese name of Kevin Tsai and the word "熙" was taken from the Chinese name of Dee Hsu. It is also a play on the name of the Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty.
Special Units
This program is mainly focus on interviews of guests, however, there are also some special units which have been held irregularly:
"Remove Makeup" - Female artists are required to remove makeup and wear pajamas to show their natural side
"Gift Swap" - artists and sometimes the hosts are required to bring gifts that match certain themes, such as gifts for Christmas party or gifts from ex-love partners, and exchange them with each other
"Apology Unit" - guests can confess to the wrong things they did recently, and sometimes their confession target would be invited to program to confront them
Singing and dancing competitions judged by professionals and the hosts
List of guests
Since its premiere in 2004, the hosts have interviewed entertainers and politicians from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China, and elsewhere. Most of the guests have previously hosted and appeared in other Taiwanese variety shows with Tsai and Hsu prior to Kangsi. Barbie Hsu, sister of Dee Hsu, made a rare appearance on the show, discussing part of her very private life outside her career.