Kara-Ho Kempo

Kara-Ho Kempo is a martial art created in the 1930s by the late William Kwai Sun Chow of Hawaii. The system can best be described as a series of rapid strikes to the vital areas of an opponent. The system calls for an equal use of both the hands and feet and, also, teaches self-defense techniques against weapons and multiple attackers.
Part of the Kara-Ho Kempo curriculum consists of empty hand and weapons kata, featuring weapons originating in Okinawa, Japan, China, and the Philippines with 18 weapons total and 3 kata for each weapon.

Kwai Sun Company

Kara-Ho Kempo is overseen by the Kwai Sun Company, an organization created in 1978 by Chow and his top student Samuel Alama Kuoha. This organization is responsible for maintaining student records and membership, as well as the training and dan rank promotions for the roughly 150 schools worldwide. All rank certificates and diplomas are numbered and issued directly by The Kwai Sun Company.
Kara-Ho Kempo is currently headed by Sam Kuoha, but the organization, also, has an International Board of Directors composed of black belt instructors that aid in creating and maintaining the stringent rules and guidelines for the system.
Chow’s Chinese Kara-Ho Kempo currently has a membership of about 5000 students,, most of which are in the United States.