Karate in India

Karate is one of the most popular and practiced martial arts in India. Because of Its simplicity & incredibly fast application time. Karate originated in the island of Okinawa with the influence of Chinese Gong Fu which, in turn had been influenced by ancient Indian martial arts. Hence, Karate is indirectly related to India. Karate is a striking based martial art, which includes punches, blocks, kicks and open hand strikes. It does not require full contact sparring like boxing and MMA. This makes it safer for children. These factors contributes the growth of Karate world wide.


Karate grew in popularity in India in 1970s and 1980s, with many dojos first established in major cities.
The Karate Association of India is the nationally recognized body for governing karate in India. KAI has 40 affiliated units with 29 state teams, 7 union territory teams along with Services, ITBP, Assam rifles, Jain University etc has associate members