Karesi Express

The Karesi Express is an overnight train, operating between Alsancak Terminal, İzmir and Central Station, Ankara. The train is one of two current train services between İzmir and Ankara. The eastbound journey takes about 14 hours and 16 minutes, while the westbound journey takes about 14 hours and 45 minutes. The Karesi Express services 6 provincial capitals: İzmir, Manisa, Balıkesir, Kütahya, Eskişehir and Ankara.
When the Turkish State Railways opened the Balıkesir-Kütahya rail line on April 23, 1938, rail travel between İzmir and Ankara was possible. Ankara is the capital of Turkey while İzmir is the 3rd largest city in Turkey, making transport between the two cities heavy. On April 23, 1938 the Karesi Express made its first run from İzmir to Ankara. The all pullman train made the 824 km long journey in about 18 hours. On April 1, 1972, another train was put into service between İzmir and Ankara: the 9th of September Express. This train however had a sleeping car. In 1980 the third train was put in service: The İzmir Blue Train.
On 1 April 2013 the route of the Karesi Express was cut back to Balıkesir. Since 2013 the train operates as a regional train between İzmir and Balıkesir.


The name "Karaesi Express" comes from the beylik of Karasi, that had its capital city in Balıkesir, a city which the Karesi Express passes through.


The consist of he train has changed many times through the years, since the first 4 car train left Ankara in 1938. These changes usually happen because of other trains being put into or removed from service. Today the consist usually is:
Between 2001 and 2009 the consist was:
The first consist that began service on April 23, 1938 consisted of: