Kari (name)

Kari is either a male or female given name, or a surname.

Given name

In Finland, Kari is a male name, which was particularly popular in the 1940s and 1950s. The name is derived from the Greek Makarios.
In Norway, Kari is a popular female name. This name is diminutive of Katharine, meaning "pure". The corresponding Swedish and German name is Karin.
In Iceland and Faroe Islands, Kári is a male name, based on a Scandinavian god of wind of the same name. The corresponding Norwegian male name is Kåre or Kaare.
In India Kari is a female name. It is taken from Sanskrit and Hindi. Meaning of name Kari is "doer; making; accomplishing; producing; hand". In Sanskrit; Hindi; Marathi; Nepali; Konkani it is written as करि / करी.


Kari is a popular surname in South India. In Andhra Pradesh the village of Karivari Palem is named after the surname; in the village Inkollu,Gangavaram almost 60% families have this surname. Kari can also be spelt Kahri.
Kari is also a Finnish surname, meaning a small island, islet, or an underwater rock. There are currently 2242 holders of the name.

Notable people named Kari

Females with the given name