Karl Grünberg (otologist)
Karl Grünberg was a German otorhinolaryngologist, known for his research on the pathological anatomy of the ear's labyrinth.
He studied medicine at several German universities, receiving his doctorate in Greifswald in 1897 with the dissertation-thesis Fälle von perforierendem Sarkom des Schädels. In 1908 he obtained his habilitation for otology, rhinology and laryngology at the University of Rostock, where he later became an associate professor. From 1924 to 1932 he was a full professor of otorhinolaryngology at the University of Bonn.- Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Labyrintherkrankungen, 1908 - Contributions to the knowledge of labyrinth disorders.
- Handbuch der pathologischen anatomie des menschlichen ohres - Handbook on the pathological anatomy of the human ear.
- Die otitischen Erkrankungen des Hirns, der Hirnhäute und der Blutleiter - Otitic diseases of the brain, meninges and sinuses.
- Lehrbuch der Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehlkopf-Krankheiten. Nach klinischen Vorträgen für Studierende und Ärzte - Textbook of ear, nose and throat diseases.