Karon, Deoghar

Karon is a community development block that forms an administrative division in Deoghar district, Jharkhand state, India. It is located 48 km from Deoghar, the district headquarters.

Ancient names

Karon, the eponymous CD block headquarters, is located at.

Gram panchayats

Gram panchayats in Karon CD Block are Badhanadih, Badiya, Bara, Birangadia, Dindakoli, Ganjewari, Karown, Kasaiya, Nagadari, Pathrol, Ranidih, Saltar, Sirsa and Tekra.


As per 2011 Census of India, Karon CD Block had a total population of 88,251, all of whom were rural. There were 45,317 males and 42,934 females. The population below 6 years was 16,759. Scheduled Castes numbered 11,017 and Scheduled Tribes numbered 12,683.
Karon is a village with a population of 5,110 as per 2011 census.


census, the total number of literates in Karon CD Block was 42,618 out of whom 27,005 were males and 15,613 were females.
census, literacy in Deoghar district was 64.85. Literacy in Jharkhand was 66.41% in 2011. Literacy in India in 2011 was 74.04%.
There are 5 schools in Karon. The Most popular school is S R academy. This school was established by Mr Abhijeet Ball in 2005.The Principal of this school is Mr Sashishekhar Ball.This school is a 3-storey building with proper hygiene, water and other mandatory facilities. There is also a secondary branch of this school which is in Sugdibaad.There are 500 students in this school and 20 teachers. All the teachers are highly educated and trained to develop the students from the core to the level of perfection.


Its boundaries are Dumartar, Ranidih, Saltar, and Dindakoli.