Kartika I

Kartika I is an Indonesian sounding rocket built by LAPAN, AURI, Bandung Institute of Technology, and Pindad under PRIMA project. This rocket was launched on August 14, 1964 in LAPAN Rocket Launching Station Pameungpeuk, West Java, becoming the first sounding rocket ever launched in Indonesia, and the second in Asia after Japan through Kappa Rocket.


On May 31, 1962, Indonesian government under Sukarno commenced aeronautics exploration when the Aeronautics Committee was established by the Indonesian Vice Prime Minister I, Juanda, who was also the head of Indonesian Aeronautics. The secretary of Indonesian Aeronautics, RJ Salatun, was also involved in the establishment.
On September 22, 1962, the PRIMA project was formed as an affiliation of AURI and ITB. The outcome of the project was the launching of "Kartika" series rockets and it's telemetric ordnances on August 14, 1964 in LAPAN Launching Station Pameungpeuk, West Java.
PRIMA project as one of the subproject of Outer Space Ionosphere Rocket Project that is known as "Project S" was led by Laksda Udara Budiardjo and Kolonel Udara RJ Salatun.


Kartika rocket series only has one version, Kartika I.
;Kartika I