Karydia, Pella

Karydia is a village in the municipality of Edessa, Pella regional unit, northern Greece. It is situated 9 km northwest of Edessa. At the church in the locality Kosteno there is an annual festival on 21 May, the day of Saint Helena.


There were 81 Christian households in the village of Tehova in 1619–1620.
In the book "Ethnographie des Vilayets d'Adrianople, de Monastir et de Salonique", published in Constantinople in 1878, that reflects the statistics of the male population in 1873, Téhovo was noted as a village with 187 households and 880 Bulgarian inhabitants.
In 1900, Vasil Kanchov gathered and compiled statistics on demographics in the area and reported that the village of Teovo was inhabited by 604 Bulgarian Christians.