Kasha varnishkes

Kashe varnishkes is a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish dish that combines kasha with noodles, typically farfalle.
Buckwheat groats are prepared separately from, and then fried together with, lokshen and tsvibelach in schmaltz. Sometimes briye is used in the preparation.


Kasha varnishkes are part of Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine. Jews from Eastern Europe brought the food to America and it is widely popular in the American Jewish community.
The name and the dish varnishkes as a whole seems to be a Yiddish adaptation of the Ukrainian vareniki. Buckwheat came to Ukraine and became one of the most common fillings of Ukrainian dumplings. This dish was enhanced by Jews in the Ashkenazic manner. A recipe from 1925 shows kashe-filled dumplings, rather than the simpler kashe with farfalle.