Kasturba Hospital (Wardha)

The Kasturba Hospital was started in 1945 by Dr Sushila Nayyar. It is a 1000-bed hospital, located in Sevagram, about 8 km from Wardha, and offers tertiary care healthcare facilities to rural patients. Kasturba Hospital is unit of Manipal University and Teaching Hospital of Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.
In 1969, the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, a medical school, was founded and attached to the Kasturba Hospital.

Hospital Information System

The entire hospital has been computerized since 2004. The HIS was developed by the CDAC, Noida. All the patient information and reports are now online, improving professional access and greatly reducing the paper-based record keeping.

Global recognition

A letter distributed throughout Kasturba Hospital declared: