Katalin Feher Ph.D. is a new media researcher. Senior research fellow at Cyber Economy Research Centre and Future of Higher Education at Budapest Business School, Hungary, Fulbright Research Fellow at Drexel University in Philadelphia, US, Bolyai Janos research fellow at , co-founder & head of research and innovation at Digital Identity Agency, Hungary & UK, member of editorial board of KOME International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry, visiting professor at the Masaryk University, Czech Republic and University of Lower Silesia, Poland. Feher’s research and teaching are focusing on new and social media, digital footprint, and the social-cultural impact of AI and smart technology.
Katalin Feher was born in Dunaújváros, Hungary. She graduated from University of Pecs with Master of Arts in Philosophy, Communication and Media, Literature and Linguistics. After spending several years practicing mass and emerging new media she started her international career in digital research and development. This period also represented her Ph.D. studies in mass and new media titled Reality Factories. University of Pennsylvania and Wesleyan University added extra specialisation for her studies. She successfully accomplished her habilitation at Eötvös Loránd University in 2018. She is a Fulbright Scholar from 2019 at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Feher’s interests extend to both practice and theory in her field while her academic and professional careers are building in parallel.
Academic experience
Feher is a senior research fellow at Budapest Business University, Hungary, a Fulbright Scholar at Drexel University, U.S., a visiting professor at the Masaryk University, Czech Republic and a visiting professor at University of Lower Silesia Big Data program. She was working among others for Philosophy Ph.D. program of University of Pecs, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and Corvinus University of Budapest. Her highlighted international experience are the followings:
She is a digital trend fitter and online communication strategy consultant. She focuses on future-oriented companies, projects and best practices. As an expert, Feher worked among others with Shell, Microsoft, T-Mobile, Telenor, Prezi, Cafe Communications, Culture.Crane, Insomnia, and Morpho Communications. She has been working as a professional trainer at Kürt Academy since 2012.
Technology, Knowledge & Society Research Network
European Society for Aesthetics
UNESCO IFAP, Information Accessibility Working Group, delegated by UNESCO Hungarian National Commission
National Research, Development and Innovation Office H2020 SC6 Social Sciences and Humanities
Hungarian Communication Studies Association
Honors and awards
Scientific Publication Award, 1st Place, 2017
Scientific Award, BBU 2017
BBU CIMB Scientific Award 2017
Best presentation and best paper at 2nd International Conference on "Trends in Multidisciplinary Business and Economics Research" 2015
Budapest Business School CIMB Science Award 2014
Selected publications and projects in English
Katalin Feher Digital identity and the online self: Footprint strategies – An exploratory and comparative research study. Journal of Information Science. SAGE. First Published October 17. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551519879702
Katalin Feher The Zoom Interference Model of New Media. A Metaphor-Based Dynamic Approach in the Jungle of Concepts. Mediatization Studies, Vol. 3. 7-20. Link: https://journals.umcs.pl/ms/article/view/8697
Katalin Feher Issues and Consultation Platform in Contemporary Smart or ANI Environments. Fourteenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, Society. New York, St. John's University, Paper 6.
Katalin Feher Contemporary Smart Cities: Key Issues and Best Practices. In: Lasse Berntzen SMART 2018. Barcelona: IARIA. pp. 5-10.
Feher, Katalin Digital Mobilisation and Identity after Smart Turn. In: Information Resources Management Association, Psychology and Mental Health: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Hershey : Information Science Reference 1811-1832.
Feher, K. Issues in Digital Identity. In: Masaryk University 17th Annual Conference organized by the Center for Cultural Sociology and the Department of Sociology at Masaryk University. Brno, 2017.10.19-2017.10.21.
Feher, K. Coded realities and transhuman singularity. In memoriam Jacques Derrida Conference, BP-Pécs, 2017.10.12-2017.10.14.
Katalin Feher Adaptation Techniques in Digital Environment. Collective Brand Engagement via Camera Drone/Video-Game Design. ACTA Universitatis Sapientiae – Communicatio, 2. 95-103.
Katalin Feher Digital Identity: The Transparency of the Self. In: Jane Montague, Tan Lee Ming Asian Congress of Applied Psychology. Singapore: World Scientific. 132-143.
Katalin Feher Digital Mobilisation and identity after smart turn. In: Xiaoge Xu Interdisciplinary Mobile Media and Communications: Social, Political and Economic Implications. Pennsylvania: IGI Global 64-84.
Katalin Feher Consumption of Metapatterns: A CDT Model for the Understanding of Patterns in New Media. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE 5 9-19.
Katalin Feher Digital Urban identities. In: Chiara Giaccardi, Matteo Tarantino, Simone Tosoni Media and the City: Urbanism, Technology and Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 183-191.
Katalin Feher The Frameworks of New Media. In: Brian D Loader The Co-Production of Knowledge: Social Media, STS. University of York.