Kazi Sharif Kaikobad

Kazi Sharif Kaikobad was a Major General in the Bangladesh Army. He is the former Director General of Bangladesh Ansar and Village Defence Party.


Kaikobad was commissioned in Bangladesh Army on December 21, 1984 in the Corps of Artillery. He was part of 11th BMA long Course. Previously he was assigned as Managing Director, Bangladesh Machine Tools Factory Limited. He also served as Senior Directing Staff of National Defence College, Mirpur. He was instructor at Bangladesh Military Academy and Artillery Centre & School. He commanded three BGB battalions, two artillery regiments and three artillery brigades. He was deployed in United Nations Mission in Bosnia & Herzegovina and United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea. He is a graduate of Defence Services Command and Staff College, Mirpur and also completed National Defence Course at National Defence College, Mirpur.
Kaikobad was appointed as the first resident High Commissioner to Nigeria from Bangladesh.