
Keelathaniyam is a village in Pudukkottai District in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The panchayat is part of the Thirumayam Assembly and the Sivaganga Lok Sabha constituency. It has a total of seven wards. Totally seven members are elected from this wards. According to the 2011 Census the population of keelathaniyam is 2168. In this female are 1077 and male are 1091.

Basic Amenities

The information about basic amenities is as follows:
Basic AmenitiesNumbers
Water connections307
Mini power pumps5
Overhead tanks9
Rural buildings21
Union roads65
Village roads8

Small villages

List of small villages in this panchayat is as follows::
  1. Rengapuram
  2. Uppiliyapatti
  3. V. Pudhur
  4. Ramalingapuram
  5. Keelathaniyam
  6. Ammankoilpatti
  7. Aadhi colony
  8. Idaiyapatti
  9. Sampappatti