
Kekkaishi is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yellow Tanabe. The series is about Yoshimori Sumimura and Tokine Yukimura, heirs to rival families of kekkai users, who must defend their school from the spirits drawn to the sacred land upon which it is built. It was serialized in Japan by Shogakukan in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday from May 2003 to April 2011.
It was adapted as a fifty-two episode anime television series by Sunrise, which was broadcast between October 2006 and February 2008.
Both manga and anime series has been licensed for an English-language release in North America by Viz Media.
The Kekkaishi manga had over 16 million copies in print as of May 2020. In 2007, the manga won the 52nd Shogakukan Manga Award for the shōnen manga category.


According to the legend, five hundred years ago, there was an insignificant lord who possessed a mysterious power that drew to him. A demon exterminator, Tokimori Hazama, was called upon to protect the lord and his castle. The lord's power stayed on the land even when he had died. Thus, Tokimori founded the Hazama clan, who inherited his techniques, to protect the land for centuries to come. This land is Karasumori.
In the present day, Yoshimori Sumimura and Tokine Yukimura, heirs of the Hazama clan, are the that protect Karasumori. They are ability users who use a technique called. Kekkai is a form of magical energy barrier which is primarily used to capture and destroy ayakashi that are drawn to this. Any ayakashi that stay on the land become stronger. Yoshimori and Tokine are to guard the land from the intrusion of ayakashi who try to "power-up" there.
Yoshimori and Tokine suffered a lot of hardships in their responsibilities to protect Karasumori. The ayakashi they must fight are becoming more and more powerful, but they managed to protect the land with the help from Yoshimori's older brother, Masamori Sumimura, and the. The Shadow Organization itself is an organization of ability users that is governed by a council of twelve, consisting of high level ability users. All the members are not the main inheritors of their clans lands or titles, or are loners who have no place to go, and thus have become a force that controls the course of their country.
Many ayakashi try to become more powerful by using Karusumori’s power, including Kokuboro, corrupt members of Urakai’s council of twelve who either were in league with Kokuboro or trying to kill another council member. Eventually a civil war begins between the leader and founder of Urakai, the leader and the founder who have become disembodied creatures who can possess others to act as their bodies to fool the other members into thinking the leadership of Urakai has changed hands.
Over the course of the story it is revealed little by little that the legend is full of lies. The real source of Karasumori's power is Chūshinmaru, an illegitimate son of the Hazama clan's founder, Tokimori Hazama, and the Karasumori clan's heiress. Tokimori used forbidden arts to try to give his son unearthly power, but the plan backfired, and instead gave Chūshinmaru the power to draw people's life force, killing everybody around him. Tokimori was forced to seal his own son beneath Karasumori. However, being alone with no aid Tokimori was unable to completely seal off the Shinkai he created. Which allowed Chūshinmaru's power to leak out, and it is this that draws ayakashi to the land.
In the end, with the help of Yoshimori's mother and Tokimori, Yoshimori and Tokine find a new site for Chūshinmaru by displacing the founder of the Urakai from the domain of a land-god that the founder had taken over. To seal Chūshinmaru, Yoshimori's mother sacrifices herself by sealing the domain with herself inside. The series end with Urakai finally becoming better for all and the two families duties are finally finished ending their personal rivalry, with Yoshimori finally feeling everything was right with the world.


Yellow Tanabe says that she uses reference books with pictures as inspiration for designs of ayakashi. She used her own images of the appearances of kanji characters of special terms and placed the terms in a system in order to create the special powers of the Kekkaishi and the terms of magic in the series. In regards to what inspired her to create the Shadow Organization, she said "I'm not really sure. I just sort of thought that's the way organizations are."



Kekkaishi is written and illustrated by Yellow Tanabe. It was serialized in Japan by Shogakukan in the shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday in 345 chapters from 2003 issue #47 published on May 7, 2003 to 2011 issue #19 published on April 20, 2011.
Serial chapters have all collected in 35 tankōbon volumes, with the last volume published on 18 August 2011. The series is licensed in English in North America by Viz Media. It is also licensed in France by Pika Édition, in Germany by Carlsen Comics, in Hong Kong by Rightman Publishing Limited, in Indonesia by Elex Media Komputindo which serializes it in Shōnen Star, in Italy by Panini Comics, in Malaysia by PCM Comics, in South Korea by Bookbox, in Spain by Editorial Ivrea, in Taiwan by Tong Li Comics, in Vietnam by Kim Dong. and in Brazil by Panini Comics.
A guidebook to the series called a "teacher's guide" was published as a Shōnen Sunday special on December 16, 2006.


Kekkaishi was adapted by Sunrise as an anime television series directed by Kenji Kodama with character designs by Hirotoshi Takaya and music by Taku Iwasaki. The opening theme for all episodes is "Sha la la -Ayakashi NIGHT-" by Saeka Uura. There are four different ending themes: "Akai Ito" by Koshi Inaba, "Sekaijuu Dokowo Sagashitemo" by Aiko Kitahara, "My Mirai" by Uura, and "Kyukei Jikan 10pun" by Uura. The series was broadcast for 52 episodes in Japan between 16 October 2006 and 12 February 2008 on Nippon TV, Yomiuri TV, and other Nippon Television Network System stations, in the "golden" timeslot of 7 p.m. Monday.
The anime has been licensed in North America by Viz Media. which began broadcasting episodes online through in January 2010. The series premiered on TV on May 29, 2010 on Cartoon Network's block Adult Swim.

Video games

released three "action based" games for the Nintendo Wii and DS, on May 24, 2007 and on March 20, 2008. A Wii game was released on September 27, 2007 in Japan.


The manga had over 16 million copies in print as of May 2020. Volumes 19, 20, and 21 all reached number 3 or 4 on the Tohan best-seller list.
In 2007, Kekkaishi received the Shogakukan Manga Award for best shōnen manga. The English edition of Kekkaishi was named by the Young Adult Library Services Association as among the best graphic novels for teens for 2007.
During its initial broadcast, episodes of the anime series were frequently among the top ten rated anime television shows, sometimes as the only original show to do so.