Kendriya Vidyalaya BHU

Kendriya Vidyalaya BHU is situated in the city of Varanasi in the campus of Banaras Hindu University. The school is affiliated to CBSE and has classes running from 1 to 12. The regional office of Varanasi Region of KVS is located in the campus of this school. The school is an integral part of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. KV BHU is an autonomous body working under aegis of Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Govt of India.

The school has 4 houses namely Amartya Sen, Raman, Tagore and Malviya.
There is a student council which administers the school on student's basis.
Principal as well as teachers working in school in different subject.
School offers number of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, Competitions and certain sports tournament held under KVS.
On 10+2 level school offers courses in Science, Commerce and Humanities. And also serves as the examination centre for CBSE exams,IIT exams and many more.


The curriculum is strictly based upon the policies of CBSE, the books of curriculum are of National Council of Educational Research and Training.


Student Council is elected every year by Principal and responsible teachers. They administer Vidyalaya at student basis. They are responsible for discipline, decorum and many other activities in school.
Post in Student Council are:-
School Captain
School Vice captain
School Sports Captain
House Captains
House vice captains
House Publication Captains
House Co-curricular activities captain
House Co-curricular activities Vice Captain
House Sports Captain
House Prefects

Notable alumni