Kennemer Zweefvlieg Club

The Kennemer Zweefvlieg Club is the only Dutch Gliding club situated in the urban periphery called Randstad. The club was established in 1945 and has the Langeveld as homefield. Langeveld is situated between the dunes of the Dutch west coast in between Zandvoort and Noordwijk. The club flies from March till November in the weekends and on Wednesdays. On Wednesday evenings the club is opened for passengers to experience gliding. The club has a former RAF MEL-winch with six cables.

Dune running

The KZC is one of the few clubs in the Netherlands that is able to make use of Ridgelift. When a strong northwest wind blows, it is possible to fly alongside the dunes without sinking. The wind is pushed up by the dunes which counteracts the descent of the glider. Because the gliders on the ridge do not reach the required altitude to return to the field, they land on the beach. The gliders are derigged and then taken back to the Langeveld by trailer.

The fleet

The KZC fleet consists of 7 gliders and gives members the possibility to train as pilots, to take passengers, fly cross country and to fly competitions.
The club has the following gliders:
Furthermore, the club possesses two self-built oldtimer gliders. They were assembled in the 1960s in the Fokker factory: