Kentucky Green Party

The Kentucky Green Party is the state party organization for Kentucky of the Green Party of the United States.


The Kentucky Green Party was officially founded on July 23, 2011 during the Founding Statewide Convention in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. Though the Kentucky Green Party was officially established in 2011, two candidates had competed in state elections as Green Party members in years prior.
In September 2012, the Kentucky Green Party succeeded in attaining enough signatures to have Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala appear on the ballot in Kentucky for President and Vice President.
On Saturday August 8, 2015 the Kentucky Green Party held its third statewide convention in Lexington, Kentucky and elected new officers for its Executive Committee.

Electoral history

In 2011, the newly formed Kentucky Green Party endorsed independent Gatewood Galbraith because of his strong opposition to mountaintop removal mining.