Kerr Cuhulain
Kerr Cuhulain is the pen name of Canadian Wiccan and retired Detective Constable Charles Ennis. A former child abuse investigator, he is the author of several articles on child abuse investigation that appeared in Law & Order Magazine. A former Air Force officer, Cuhulain was a police officer for over 28 years, a police dispatcher for another 8 years, and a Wiccan for over forty. He's served on the SWAT team, Gang Crime Unit, and hostage negotiation team.
Better known to the Pagan community by his Wiccan name, Kerr Cuhulain, Ennis was the first Wiccan police officer to go public about his beliefs 36 years ago. He is the former Preceptor General of Officers of Avalon, a non-profit benevolent association for Pagan and Wiccan law enforcement, firefighting and emergency medical personnel and their families. He is a frequent contributor to The Witches' Voice networking website, and has applied his abilities as an investigative journalist to the histories of several controversial individuals in the Neo-Pagan and New Age communities, such as John Todd and Michael Warnke. He speaks at writers' conferences and Pagan festivals throughout Canada and the United States.
Cuhulain lives in Sechelt, British Columbia. He founded an order of knighthood known as the Order of Paladins. He now also writes fantasy fiction as C. A. Ennis and paranormal romance as Carrie Bryce.