Kevin Hunt (musician)

Kevin Hunt is an Australian jazz pianist and composer.Hut trained at The Sydney Conservatorium of Music, alongside Don Burrows, James Morrison, George Golla and other, his first teacher was his father Ellis Hunt, the teachers included Chuck Yates, John Speight and David Levy. He has been a regular on the Jazz music scene since 1979, and has led his ow ensembles performing his own compositions, but all those of classical composers like Johann Bach, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel and Leonard Bernstein. He had a successful trio called the JS Bach Trio with Laurie Thompson and Gary Holgate, which won ABC FMs listeners choice award in 1998 for the recording Kevin Hunt plays JS Bach. From 1984 until 1988 he worked with the Kinetic Theatre company, an wa assistant musical director of for Pope John PaulII Youth Celebration. in 1990, he received the MO AWARD, for "Jazz Musician of the Year" in more recent years he has been associated with Simon Tedeschi whom he met in 1990 when both artist where accompanying Larry Adler on his farewell tour. in 2001 he was awarded the Australian Elizabeth Theatre Trust Jazz Scholarship to study in New York, in pain and composition. He briefly worked at theAstralain International Conservatorium of Music and has also spoke at lecture on music. H his currently performing with the Kevin Hunt Trio consisting of Simon Tedeschi, Emma Pask and Marie Wilson. He was nominated for ARIA Awards for Best Jazz Album with Kevin Hunt - Plays JS Bach in 1998 and with Kevin Hunt Trio - Love Walked In in 2003.

Discography (selected)

Kevin Hunt
Kevin Hunt Trio
Marie Wilson and the Kevin Hunt Trio
Kevin Hunt and Simon Tedeschi
Kevin Hunt and Don Burrows