Kevin McKiernan

Kevin McKiernan is a veteran foreign correspondent, photographer and documentary filmmaker.
McKiernan's work, nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, has taken him to some of the world's most troubled regions, from Nicaragua to Iraq and Syria, from West Africa to Afghanistan. He has been widely published in national and international media. An expert on the Kurds, St. Martin's Press released his book, . McKiernan wrote and directed the PBS documentary , which The New York Times called "searing." In addition to Good Kurds, Bad Kurds, McKiernan co-produced the documentary for PBS Frontline. In 2011, he completed Bringing King to China, a documentary that premiered at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Ethnic Cleansing: The Story of the Rohingya, a short film, will premiere at the Ojai Film Festival in November 2014. His newest film, A Line In The Sand, is in post-production.

Education and personal life

McKiernan holds a J.D. from Northeastern University Law School and a B.A. in English Literature from the University of St. Thomas. He was also awarded an Honorary M.S. from the Brooks Institute of Photography, and received a Master's Certificate from the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma. He is an Ochberg Fellow at the Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma. McKiernan is a son of the late Eoin McKiernan, one of the early major scholars of the field of Irish Studies.