Khoj (2017 film)

Khoj is a Bengali psychological thriller film directed by Arka Ganguly. This film was released in 2 June 2017 in the banner of Magic Moment Motion Pictures. Khoj has won total 9 international awards at Cinema on the bayou Film Festival, Studio city international film festival, Idyllwild international festival of cinema etc.


Police inspector Sayan Bose of hill town, Rimtik is assigned to investigate a mysterious incident. A lady repeatedly screams from a house. This is doctor's house who does not allow any one into the house and say that it is nothing but of his wife screaming due to injection pain and that is normal. Sayan become more suspicious when the neighbors tell that they have often heard the scream but never seen the doctor's wife. One day, the doctor named Prashant Choudhury come to the police station to file a missing diary of his wife.
