Khojir National Park

Khojir National Park is the oldest protected area in Iran, located on the southern slopes of the Alborz Mountains east of Tehran in Tehran Province. It was established as a wildlife reserve in 1979 and promoted to national park in 1982. It covers in the Jajrood River basin and ranges in altitude from.


The area has been a royal game reserve since 1754 and was included in the Jajrood Protected Area in 1979.
The park contains within its confines the village of Khojir, and the "vast" Khojir missile production complex, which is owned by the Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group.


s are the most abundant Raunkiær plant life-form occurring in Khojir National Park, with 116 species belonging to the Irano-Turanian Region.
Vegetation above comprises foremost Persian pistachio tree, wild almond, interspersed with buckthorn, Persian juniper, wild cherry, and Cotoneaster bushes.


and Asiatic wildcat were recorded during camera-trapping surveys in the protected area since 2005, and a Pallas’s cat for the first time in spring 2008.