Khopasi Hydro Power

Khopasi Hydropower Station is the third hydropower station which was constructed in Nepal. It is the first megawatt capacity hydropower station in Nepal. It is a run-of-the-river hydroelectric plant on the Roshi Khola river. This power station is located at Khopasi, Kavre district, 35 km east of Kathmandu and 7 km south-east from Panauti Bazar.
It was built in 1965 with the assistance from then Soviet
Union at a cost of NRs 27 million. It has a capacity of 2.4 MW, from 3 units of 0.8 MW each and annual design generation of 6.97 GWh. The Project
was designed for operation of only two units at a
time with third unit as a standby. Open canal of
3,721 m long with discharge of 3.2 cu. m/s from
headwork to reservoir has seven outlet gates
for irrigation in the vicinity of Khopasi.
After the major improvement activities accomplished in
2018/019, Panauti Hydropower Station is
generating maximum annual energy which the
power plant had not been able to do since the last
11 years.
Hydropower namePanauti Hydropower Station
Commissioned year1965
TypeRun of River
LocationPanauti Municipality–12, Khopasi
Installed capacity2.4 MW
Annual average energy6.97 GWh
Maximum Net head Catchment area66m /60m
Average annual flow3.2m^3/s
Live storage volume Dam50,000 m3
Total length of the waterways3.721 km
Penstock turbine1 No., 370m long, 1.4m
Numbers of Turbine /type3/ Horizontal Francis
Rated discharge/ Turbine1.61m3/s
Rated output / Turbine0.85MW
Rated speed1000 rpm
Generator Rated output1000 kVA
Rated voltage6.3 kV
Rated frequency50Hz
Power factor0.8
Power transformer1550 kVA, 6.3 kV/33 kV, 3 phase, 2 Nos.
Transmission line33kV, 20km, single circuit