Khrenovina sauce

Khrenovina sauce is a spicy horseradish sauce served with a main course, which is very popular in Siberia. It is prepared by blending fresh ingredients: tomatoes, horseradish, garlic and salt. Ground black pepper, ground paprika, sweet bell pepper, vinegar, and sugar may also be added. This spicy horseradish sauce is sometimes also called in Russian 'khrenoder', 'gorloder', 'P.Kh.Ch.', 'cobra', 'flame', 'chemerges', 'vyrviglaz' and 'Fantômas'. It may be served with traditional Russian meat dishes, including pelmeni.


The sauce can be kept in a refrigerator for a long time without preservatives if stored in a sealed jar. Increasing the amount of horseradish and garlic used extends the length of time for which it can be stored.