Kičevo-Poreče dialect

The Kičevo-Poreče dialect is a member of the central subgroup of the western group of dialects of the Macedonian language. The dialect is spoken in a vast area in North Macedonia and mainly in the cities Kičevo and Makedonski Brod. It is also native to the villages of the region Porečje, such as Samokov and those around Kičevo. Because of the migration of the population from Porečje, the dialect is spoken in the region of Polog and in the capital Skopje. The Kičevo-Poreče dialect is closely related to the Prilep-Bitola dialect, Gostivar dialect with which they share many common characteristics. This dialect can be found in many books and novels, and one of the more popular is the novel "Milion mačenici" by Risto Krle. The Kičevo-Poreče dialect has a significantly small number of Serbian and Turkish loan words than the Macedonian dialects.

Phonological characteristics

Омарно жешко сонце грејт
и никој на земата не смејт
очи да отворит, ура, ура.
И никој на земјата не смејт
очи да отворит, напред, напред.
Ја народ црнејт, таму на брего
и ноќта ангел јасно викаше:
„О, Боже, до кога и до Бога?“
и ноќта ангел јасно викаше:
„О, Боже, до кога и до Бога?“

Omarno žeško sonce grejt
i nikoj na zemjata ne smejt
oči da otvorit, ura, ura.
I nikoj na zemjata ne smejt
oči da otvorit, napred, napred.
Ja narod crnejt, tamu na brego
i noḱta angel jasno vikaše:
„O Bože, do koga i do Boga?“
i noḱta angel jasno vikaše:
„O Bože, do koga i do Boga?“

;Poreče dialect
A short story on Poreče dialect:
;Kičevo dialect
A short story on Kičevo dialect: