Kibbles 'n Bits

Kibbles 'n Bits is a brand name of dog food manufactured and marketed by Big Heart Pet Brands. It was originally created in 1981 as the first dual textured dog food, having soft chewy pieces as well as hard crunchy ones. In 1985, more bits ingredients were added to the dog food and the brand was renamed "Kibbles 'n Bits 'n Bits 'n Bits."
In 1995, the brand was acquired by the H. J. Heinz Company, which in turn sold their pet food division to Del Monte later on. It is currently the fifth largest dry dog food brand in the United States. The Lawrence, Kansas plant produces around 1.7 million pounds a day, 9.9 million pounds a week and around 497 million pounds of Kibbles 'n Bits dog food a year.
Kibbles 'n Bits was among several brands recalled in February 2018 due to FDA findings of sodium pentobarbital, a drug used in euthanasia.