Kickboxer 2

Kickboxer 2 is a 1991 American martial arts film directed by Albert Pyun and written by David S. Goyer. It is the first sequel in the Kickboxer franchise, and stars Sasha Mitchell in the role of David Sloan the brother of Kickboxers lead character Kurt, portrayed by Jean-Claude Van Damme.


One year after the events of the first film, it is revealed that kickboxing brothers Kurt and Eric Sloan have been killed by Tong Po in Thailand shortly after his defeat to Kurt. David Sloan, the last surviving brother, struggles to keep the family's Los Angeles kickboxing gym afloat. He offers free kickboxing lessons to local kids, often demonstrating a technique he calls the "rock and the river" which allows him to defend against attacks while blindfolded.
Although his will to compete has waned since the loss of his brothers, financial problems eventually force David to fight again in a new organization run by a crooked promoter. His surprising comeback ultimately attracts the attention of Po who, disgraced by his previous loss to Kurt, seeks to defeat David in the ring and regain his honor. But when David announces his retirement after the bout, Po's manager Sangha hires a group of thugs to burn down the gym, injuring David and killing one of his young students.
While recovering in the hospital, David is visited by Xian Chow, who trained his brother Kurt in Thailand. Though David initially wants nothing to do with him, he finally relents and allows Xian to nurse him back to health. Meanwhile, one of David's most promising students, Brian Wagner, has secured a championship bout and invites David to watch the fight. However, the champion is unexpectedly replaced by Po, who brutalizes the young man and kills him in the ring despite David's efforts to talk the young fighter down. Afterwards, Xian reveals to David that the main reason he is helping him is because Tong Po had also murdered his niece Mylee along with his brothers. He guiltily admits that part of him wants revenge for her death, and is willing to sacrifice David to get it.
Insisting that the fight is his own, David accepts Po's challenge. In a bloody bout reminiscent of the "ancient way" of fighting in Thailand, David is beaten badly and has clouded vision. Utilizing his "rock and the river" technique, however, David gains the upper hand and ultimately defeats his rival. Having lost his honor, Sangha confronts David in the ring at gunpoint, but thanks to a distraction by his friend Jack, David is able to disarm and incapacitate him.
The next day, David unsuccessfully teaches Xian to drive a car. When his students introduce him to the new neighborhood bully, David once again demonstrates the "rock and the river," but the lesson is cut short when the ice cream truck arrives, and Xian treats the kids.



Kickboxer 2 was given a limited release theatrically in the United States by Trimark Pictures in June 1991, grossing $1,250,712 at the box office. HBO Home Video released it on VHS and laserdisc the same year. In the Philippines, the film was released by Pioneer Films on July 4, 1991.
The film was released on DVD by Lionsgate in 2003.


In comparison to the 1989 Van Damme original, the film was not initially well received. TV Guide opined, "From its opening moments it's obvious that Kickboxer 2 is struggling under the leaden weight of humorlessness. This is the movie that absolutely no one wanted to see: a kickboxing movie that takes itself dead serious." TV Guide, "Kickboxer 2: The Road Back: Review", accessed January 25, 2009