KidRex is a visual child-safe search engine powered by Google Programmable Search Engine. The website utilizes Google SafeSearch and maintains its own database of inappropriate websites and keywords. The site theme is stylized with colorful hand-drawn crayon and colored marker. Time'' magazine put KidRex on its list of the top 50 websites of 2013 and compared it to Google.


Kidrex search results are both colorful and visual, designed for desktop use. The site is not mobile friendly. A blocked search term will result in a 404 crayon-stylized error page, and will ask the user to "try again."
You can say , and it will respond.
Social Media websites are strictly blocked by KidRex.

History was launched in December 2008, and was acquired by a decade later in 2018 for an undisclosed sum. removed the ads on the bottom of the screen that same year. Kidrex Pro is a premium version of the website with more features. Kidrex Pro Is currently being shut down for maintenance and re-imagined into a brand new service.


In 2018, doubt was cast over KidRex's "safe" claims, when a security researcher was able to use the search engine to return adult-orientated content search results. KidRex has blocked LGBTQIA+ keywords and has been criticized by the public.