The kidneybean is a variety of the common bean. It is named for its visual resemblance in shape and colour to a kidney. Red kidney beans should not be confused with other red beans, such as adzuki beans.
There are different classifications of kidney beans, such as:
Red kidney bean.
Light speckled kidney bean.
Red speckled kidney bean.
White kidney bean.
Kidney beans cooked by boiling are 67% water, 23% carbohydrates, 9% protein, and contain negligible fat. In a 100 gram reference amount, cooked kidney beans provide, and are a rich source of protein, folate, iron, and phosphorus, with moderate amounts of thiamin, copper, magnesium, and zinc.
Red kidney beans are commonly used in chili con carne and are used in the cuisine of India, where the beans are known as rajma. Red kidney beans are used in southern Louisiana for the classic Monday Creole dish of red beans and rice. The smaller, darker red beans are also used, particularly in Louisiana families with a recent Caribbean heritage. Small kidney beans used in La Rioja, Spain, are called caparrones. In the Netherlands and Indonesia, kidney beans are usually served as soup called brenebon. In the Levant a common dish consisting of kidney bean stew usually served with rice is known as fasoulia. To make bean paste, kidney beans are generally prepared from dried beans and boiling until they are soft, at which point the dark red beans are pulverized into a dry paste.
Red kidney beans contain relatively high amounts of phytohemagglutinin, and thus are more toxic than most other bean varieties if not pre-soaked and subsequently heated to the boiling point for at least 10 minutes. The US Food and Drug Administration recommends boiling for 30 minutes to ensure they reach a sufficient temperature long enough to completely destroy the toxin. Cooking at the lower temperature of, such as in a slow cooker, can increase this danger and raise the toxin concentration up to fivefold. Canned red kidney beans, though, are safe to use immediately, as they are cooked prior to being shipped. As few as 5 raw beans or a single undercooked kidney bean can cause severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pains.