Kilgore High School

Kilgore High School is a public high school located in the city of Kilgore, Texas, in Gregg County, United States and classified as a 4A school by the UIL. It is a part of the Kilgore Independent School District located in southwest Gregg County. In 2019, the school was given an Accountability Rating of 'C' by the Texas Education Agency, and identified for additional targeted state support.


The Kilgore Bulldogs compete in the following sports:
The football and soccer teams play their home games at R.E. St. John Memorial Stadium, sharing the facility with the Kilgore College football team.

Athletic Titles

Kilgore's high school band won the UIL Sweepstakes award in the 2011-2012 school year, and scored highly in the Area C marching contest in 2012.

Notable alumni

John Heffner. Young Earth Creationist and many-time co-host to Carl Baugh television program Creation in the 21st Century who currently teaches Pre-calculus at Kilgore and chairs its math department. He has risen to notoriety recently as some popular skeptics have criticized his understanding of mathematical application to the real world as lacking, flawed, and overly cavalier, in particular his use of the Malthusian growth model, which he uses to teach creationism to his audience.