Killer Bean Forever

Killer Bean Forever is a 2009 American computer-animated action film written, produced, and directed by Jeff Lew. Taking place in a world of anthropomorphic coffee beans, the film tells the story of a bean assassin named Jack "Killer" Bean, who is sent to hunt down a crime boss, while he himself is hunted by mercenaries and the police. The film was preceded by two web shorts: "Killer Bean: The Interrogation" in 1996, and "Killer Bean 2.1: The Party" in 2000. In 2020, an animated series which continues the story of the film was announced.


One night, at 2:43 AM, bean assassin Jack "Killer" Bean is having problems sleeping due to several gangsters holding a loud party in a nearby warehouse. He calls the gangsters' leader to turn down the music, but he refuses, so Killer Bean resumes to killing all the gangsters; their leader is later revealed to be the nephew of crime boss and drug lord Cappuccino. Shortly after, a police investigation led by Detective Cromwell occurs at the warehouse, which is known to be owned by Cappuccino. Vagan, a lieutenant who runs guns for Cappuccino, arrives at the warehouse, discovering the massacre, and leaves after being briefly questioned by Cromwell.
That morning, Killer Bean is stopped from assassinating Cromwell by a call from his boss, who warns him the warehouse shooting was reckless, and that only the "target" should be killed. Killer Bean assures him that the mission will succeed. In a Chinese restaurant, an assassin named Jet Bean receives a call from his boss sending him on a mission. The restaurant owner then forces him to pay the bill, but he refuses and leaves after beating the chef, who was told by the owner that Jet Bean insulted his food. At the drug headquarters, Cappuccino holds a meeting with his lieutenants, knocking two of them out the window when they annoy him, before Vagan appears and informs him of the warehouse shooting and his nephew's death, so Capuccino sends Vagan to deal with Killer Bean. Meanwhile, Detective Cromwell analyzes the evidence at the warehouse and finds Killer Bean's name on the bullets, before locating another one of Cappuccino's warehouse, just as Killer Bean arrives there and encounters Vagan. After their fight ends in a draw, Vagan flees, while Killer Bean finds a note saying "Shadow Bean, you are too late."
Shortly after, Killer Bean is found in a bar across the street by Cromwell, who suggests working together to bring Capuccino down, but Killer Bean refuses. Cromwell then finds the note referencing the "Shadow Beans" and calls his friend Harry, a police intelligence, who reveals the Shadow Beans were special assassins working for the Shadow Agency, a private organization that carried out secret government operations, but presumably disbanded years ago. That night, Killer Bean arrives at a third warehouse owned by Cappuccino, and kills both the gangsters he finds there, and several mercenaries hired by Vagan to kill him, but is ultimately knocked out by an explosion. He awakens tied up to a chair, being interrogated by Cappucino as to why he is trying to kill him. After breaking free, Killer Bean reveals that he is not after Cappuccino, but rather after Vagan, prompting Cappucino to fire him, only to get shot in retaliation.
Vagan is revealed to be a former Shadow Bean code-named "Dark Bean" who betrayed the Shadow Agency and stole their database. In response to Killer Bean's accusations, Vagan reveals the Agency had degenerated into simply guns for hire, and that he chose to work for Cappucino instead, so that he could use his knowledge on the gun trade to continue fighting crime, independent from the corrupt Agency. Killer Bean can't bring himself to believe Vagan, and ultimately kills him, not before he warns him that the Agency will now come after him as well. Detective Cromwell, who witnessed the entire ordeal from afar, arrives with police reinforcements, and Killer Bean allows himself to be arrested, believing that only the police can protect him from the Agency.
Shortly after, Jet Bean, sent by the Agency to kill Killer Bean, arrives at the warehouse and learns from a police officer that he was arrested. Jet Bean then allows himself to be arrested by beating an officer who mocked his Asian accent, and proceeds to kill everyone at the police station standing in his way to Killer Bean. After a final fight, Killer Bean prevails over Jet Bean, mortally shooting him. As he leaves, Killer Bean is called by his boss to come and "talk things over". He replies that will come, but not for talk, and drives off with a police van full of weapons.

Voice cast

The concept for Killer Bean came in a short produced by Jeff Lew in the late 1990s entitled "Killer Bean: The Interrogation", which was later called "Killer Bean 1". Jeff Lew intended this short only to teach himself animation, and it only received about 3000 hits. After practicing animation for about 2 years, Lew started work on "Killer Bean 2.1: The Party", a 7-minute short. "Killer Bean 2" took about 3 years to create, and was released on iFilm in 2000. In about 6 months, it received about a million views, which was significant before YouTube. A later edit, "Killer Bean 2.1", was uploaded to YouTube in 2009. Killer Bean 2.1 has since gained more than 4 million views on YouTube since its initial upload in 2009.
After receiving various calls from movie producers that never developed, Lew decided to make a full feature film himself. The first rough draft of the screen play took about 5 months. Previsualization took about one and a half years. One mistake Lew regretted was not making the concept art before previz, which meant that many of the previz shots could not be reused for final animation. Lew then posted an ad on Craigslist for voices, and auditioned about 20 people and cast four. The concept artist for the characters was Von Caberte. By July 2005, all preproduction was completed.
The film took about five years to create, with approximately one and half years in pre-production and three years in animation. Killer Bean Forever had approximately 1000 animated shots. Generally, animators are given 1–4 weeks to complete one shot, and thus to create 1000 shots would have taken 20 years. Lew used an inexpensive 2D motion capture system to speed up animation, primarily with lip-sync. During this time, Lew also worked as an animator on major Hollywood productions including The Matrix Reloaded.
In 2008, the worldwide rights to Killer Bean Forever were acquired by Cinema Management Group. That same year, the film was screened for buyers at the Toronto Film Festival.


Scott McDanel of RMU Sentry Media called the film "an absolute dumpster fire," but wrote that he would "still highly recommend it as a 'it's-so-bad-it's-good' flick."
The movie was officially uploaded to YouTube by Jeff Lew in May 2018, where it has since garnered 14 million views. This significantly contributed to the movie's cult following, causing moments and references of the film to become a dank meme, particularly on Reddit.

Home media

The film was released on DVD in the United States on January 1, 2009, and was released on Blu-ray in Germany in September 2010.
In May 2018, the film was officially uploaded to YouTube in its entirety in 4K resolution, gaining over 14 million views as of 2020.

Mobile Game

In 2012, a mobile game, Killer Bean: Unleashed, was released for Android and IOS. The game was about Killer Bean who is on the run from mercenaries while hunting the Shadow Agency's top shadow bean.

Web shorts

The first short, "Killer Bean: The Interrogation", was released in 1996. The short features Killer Bean captured by mercenaries who interrogate him.
The second short, "Killer Bean 2.1: The Party", was released in August 8, 2000. The short is about Killer Bean being annoyed by the loud music at a nearby party held by some gangsters. When they refuse to turn it down, Killer Bean arrives to do it himself, but the gangsters won't go down without a fight.
The third short, "Killer Bean 3: Forever", was originally intended to release in 2002, but was canceled for unknown reasons. The short featured Killer Bean infiltrating a warehouse to kill crime boss Cappuccino. It was later reincarnated into the movie itself, like the other shorts.
In May 2020, "The Return of Killer Bean" was released as a teaser for the upcoming 2020 series in 4K. Taking place 11 years after the events of "Killer Bean Forever", the short features Killer Bean attacking a group of mercenaries, but when the last surviving bean threatens to shoot a hole through his car door, just like he did with his mother's, Killer Bean attempts to reason with him. Claiming that the mercenary has some personal problems, Killer Bean lets him take his car and throws him the keys. The last bean tries to find the keys in some trash bags, when he find them, the keys are actually a trap explosive devices. The explosion throws the mercenary into a garbage can, though he survives, before Killer Bean leaves in his car.

Mini series

In January 2020, The Killer Bean Channel posted a picture on YouTube community revealing Killer Bean's return and will have a 10+ episode series, although it has been delayed since late February. The Twitter account of Killer Bean claimed that YouTubers and fans will voice act the characters in the mini-series.
On May 10, the first teaser of the miniseries was released to the Killer Bean Channel.
On May 10, 2020,, the first episode in the miniseries, was released on YouTube.