
Kime no kata is a series of self-defense oriented katas in judo. Kime no kata, also known as Shinken Shobu no Kata, was developed at the Kodokan around 1888. The series is composed of 8 techniques from a kneeling posture, and 12 techniques from a standing position. Both sets of techniques contain defenses for both armed and empty-handed attacks.

Kneeling techniques (idori waza)

  1. Ryote-dori
  2. Tsukkake
  3. Suri-age
  4. Yoko-uchi
  5. Ushiro-dori
  6. Tsukkomi
  7. Kiri-komi
  8. Yoko-tsuki

    Standing techniques (tachi waza)

  9. Ryote-dori
  10. Sode-tori
  11. Tsukkake
  12. Tsuki-age
  13. Suri-age
  14. Yoko-uchi
  15. Ke-age
  16. Ushiro-dori
  17. Tsuki-komi
  18. Kiri-komi
  19. Nuki-kake
  20. Kiri-oroshi