Kind Space

Kind Space, is an LGBT community centre located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. They are the oldest registered LGBT-specific charity in Canada, becoming registered in 1984. The organization serves gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, Two-Spirit, non-binary, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, QTBIPoC, of all ages within the National Capital Region. They provide a number of services including support groups, education, research, advocacy and community space.

Organization history

One of the founding members of Kind Space, Barry Deeprose in 2002 wrote a history of the organization. The forwards starts off as:
Until the 2000s Kind Space was run by a working Board of Directors and was funded primarily by individual donations from those communities. Starting in the 2000s the organizational structure changed to become a policy and governance Board of Directors while the first agency Executive Director was hired.
Another major change that occurred in the 2000s was more focus was attributed to less served members of the community including bisexuals, trans people and those who solely identify as queer. This was also influenced by the decrease of stigma towards gays and lesbians in the broader community that lead to a court ruling making same-sex marriage in Ontario legal in 2003. A bisexual women's group started at KInd Space which evolved into BiAmore for bisexuals of all genders years later. And in 2004 Trans Youth Ottawa started a group for transgender and transsexual youth and young adults which ran until 2009 and Gender Quest a group for all trans adults started in 2005 and still operates today. In 2005 the board of directors added trans, two-spirit and queer to the letters patent to state their official commitment to those communities.

Rebranding and Restructuring

After years of financial troubles which resulted in the temporary layoff of the organizations executive director, Kind Space began to restructure the organization and repair its reputation. In 2015, Kind Space won a 100,000 rebranding package from Stiff and changed its name from Pink Triangle Services - PTS to Kind Space. Following the rebranding, the organization partnered with Planned Parenthood Ottawa to share office space. In 2017, the organization celebrated being debt free for the first time in several years.

Programs and services

The programs of Kind Space offers support, education, and resource programs.

Support programs

Historically flagship programs of Kind Space are peer support groups. Over the years Kind Space has seen many groups come and go based upon need. Current support groups include:
Historically, Kind Space has focused on education and advocacy work since its founding. Financial troubles have previously restricted Kind Space's education program, however the program has recently been revitalized. Skills for the Revolution, a grassroots, peer-led program aimed at empowering and equipping is aimed at helping queer and trans communities build knowledge and hands on experience of fundamental life, advocacy, and community-building skills to deconstruct oppressive structures. This program centres healing, emotional, and restorative justice.

Resource programs

Kind Space offers several resources: